8 Of The Best Core Busting Exercises

Working your core is the vital key to all-round body strength, fitness and results. And, happily, some of the most effective core exercises don’t need specialist equipment or hours of your time. In fact, all you need is some motivation, a bit of space and 10 or 15 minutes of spare time.

But first, a quick recap on what’s actually meant by your ‘core’, and why it’s such a crucial aspect of any fitness program.

Your core is what, exactly?

Quite simply, these are the muscles around and deep within your abdomen, hips, pelvis and lower back. A robust, solid core is essential to provide support and prevent injury to the rest of the body. it makes you less susceptible to back pain, poor posture and muscle injuries. For those who compete, poor core stability can reduce performance and endurance.

To effectively train these muscles, many of which are deep within the abdomen, diaphragm and pelvic floor, it’s necessary to carry out a variety of functional training. This includes rotational, static and traditional flexion and extension exercises.

8 great core exercises that use only your bodyweight

  1. Mountain Climbers: Get into a push up position. Bring your right knee quickly towards your chest and bring it back, then do the same with the left. Once you’ve got the hang of it – speed up! It’s as if you’re running in one place with your hands on the ground. Be sure to keep your back straight and your abs braced. Depending on your level of fitness, try to work up to a 60 second burst.
  2. Plank/Side Plank: Start in a regular plank position, rotate to a side plank, hold, back to centre, then rotate to the other side, hold, and back to centre. Hold each for around 10-15 seconds and work up to being able to continue the exercise for 3 minutes in total.
  3. Scissor Kick: Lie on the floor with arms extended sideways, palms to the floor. Ensure your back is pressed into the floor. Brace your abs, bend your knees slightly and lift your legs approx. 10-15 cm off the floor. Now, open and close your legs, crossing them as if they were a pair of scissors, alternating which leg is on top. Do this for 30 seconds, rest for 10, and repeat.
  4. Push Ups: The good old-fashioned push up is a wonderful core exercise. Beginners should start on their knees and as you strengthen move to the toes. Do 6 push ups and rest. Repeat x 6. Once this becomes easier, move onto feet-elevated push ups by placing your feet on a bench.
  5. Oblique Crunch: Lie on your back, bend knees and raise legs above hips to a 90-degree angle. Place tips of your fingers to temples with elbows flared out. Twist your left elbow towards your right knee, bringing your upper back off the floor. Lower back down and repeat on the other side. Do this for 30 seconds, rest for 10 and repeat. To increase intensity stretch the opposite leg out straight as you crunch.
  6. Burpees: Ahhh – the dreaded burpee. Hated by many but it’s soooo effective. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat down, place your palms on the floor and jump your legs out behind you into a push up position. Do a push up, then jump your legs so your feet are back between your hands and jump up, reaching your hands above your head. This is one rep. Start off trying to do 30 seconds of burpees, working up to a minute.
  7. Side Bend: Start in a side plank position. You can either stack one foot on top of the other or stagger your upper foot in front of the lower. Dip your hips down to the ground and lift back up. Do 10 reps, rest, repeat x 2. Then repeat on the other side.
  8. Jack-knife: Lie flat on the floor, extend your arms behind you keeping them close to your ears. Brace your abs and point your toes. Squeeze your legs together and lift both your legs and arms upwards so that you bring your body into a V shape. Ensure you keep both arms and legs straight, touch your hands to your legs, then lower back to the start position. Carry out for 10 reps. Increase the number of reps over time as the exercise gets easier.

The only piece of equipment you might like to use is a mat. But apart from that you can do these exercises anywhere at any time. Of course, some are pretty tough, so don’t be disheartened if you can’t do the amount stated. Work at a sensible level and increase as you get fitter.

Working the core is something many of us are guilty of neglecting. Bailey Fitness Gyms in WA give expert advice as to how to incorporate the best core exercise into your workout – either using bodyweight alone or extra pieces of equipment. They also offer a whole range classes that include core muscle workouts in the mix. Find out more at baileyfitness.com.au



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