Do I Really Need A Personal Trainer?

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Once solely the realm of the uber-rich and celebs, personal trainers are now something that even us mere mortals can take advantage of. But if you’re already shelling out for a gym membership, paying to join that weekly bootcamp or spending your hard earned cash on any type of fitness effort, you might well wonder if the extra expense is really worth it.

However, there’s a pretty strong case for taking advantage of the odd one-to-one session. So let’s take a look at some of the reasons why signing up for a personal trainer could be the best thing you’ve ever done in pursuit of your fitness goals.

1.   You’re new to exercise

Starting anything new is always a challenge and exercise is no different. Do you need to push weights? Sweat out the cardio? Should you swim, go for a run, buy a treadmill? What about a HIIT class, body pump or spin? There’s a bewildering amount of choice out there, and if you’re a rookie then how on earth do you work out what’s best?

Sure, you can go online and confuse yourself with the huge amount of (mis?) information  out there. Or you can ask your friends and family – but what they do might not be the best route for your personal situation.

The professional advice a personal trainer can give will help you figure out the right activities for you, and they’ll set up a program that not only suits your current level of fitness and goals, but one that you can realistically stick to.

2.   You’re getting bored

Let’s face it, running the treadmill to nowhere or doing endless reps on weight machines is never going to inspire. And getting bored with your workouts is the first step to giving up altogether. A personal trainer can help you mix up your training a little, so setting fire to your enthusiasm once again.

Rest assured, a professional will introduce you to new forms of exercise you’ve probably never even thought of – be it circuit training, supersets, PT sessions, hot yoga and more…

3.   You’re not seeing results

This is probably the number one reason many seek the services of a personal trainer. We all hit plateaus, slack off a little when we’re working out (yes, we’re all guilty!) or perhaps have unrealistic goals. And if you feel like you’re working really hard but not losing weight, building muscle or getting faster/fitter/stronger then the personal touch is exactly what’s needed to get you back on track. After all, all top athletes have coaches for exactly these reasons – and if it’s good enough for them….

4.   You need motivation

Motivation is different for all of us. But the very act of hiring a personal trainer can really step up your training results. These include:

  • The simple act of having a regular appointment for exercise is a powerful motivator
  • Financially you’re investing in yourself. We all want value for money, so the fact that you’re spending hard earned cash on a personal trainer can motivate – not only that you turn up for the session but that you get the very best out of it too.
  • Your trainer will hold you accountable for your efforts. A regular one-on-one training session means that you’ll actually have to explain to someone why you missed those workouts or you’ve not worked as hard as you should’ve been.

5.   You’re rehabilitating from an injury or have a pre-existing condition

In such cases a personal trainer really does come into their own. Building up strength and fitness after injury requires care, and the assistance of an expert really can see you improve in the fastest time possible without overdoing it and re-injuring yourself.

For those who have a medical condition – high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, had a fall etc. then working out with a professional is highly advised. A personal trainer will be able to specifically tailor your exercise plan taking your health into account.

6.   You’re training for an event

A personal trainer is gold dust when it comes to being bang on form for an upcoming event. They can create a training schedule, help you avoid injury plus help you carry out the right conditioning work to target the areas you need to work on.

While some people might want to work out with a personal trainer on a weekly basis, even the odd session here and there can be hugely beneficial. Of course, care needs to be taken that you sign up with the right type of trainer – a person with experience for your particular needs.

Bailey Fitness Gyms in WA offer personal trainers who specialise in all areas of sport, rehab, weight loss, beginner programs, body building and more. So if you’re in need of motivation, results, advice, or need to work towards a specific event, then get in contact at for a no obligation chat. Not only could the services of a personal trainer be the key to results, but you might be pleasantly surprised at how affordable such a service can be.



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